1.2k How to Get a Free Clubhouse Invite Code

How to Get a Free Clubhouse Invite Code

Clubhouse is a new social network of voice chats, where you can talk to like-minded users, find communities based on your interests, and even listen to mind-blowing conversations featuring some of the world’s most famous and beloved celebrities. Although the app is free to download, it is currently invite-only, which means you need to get invited by another user to be able to join. Due to how hyped up the platform has become recently, and how difficult it can be for regular people to get in, some of the members decided to put their invite codes up for sale, sometimes charging insane amounts of money – up to $800, as of today. While paying for an invite can be an easy and convenient way to join, you might end up getting fooled by scammers, who can take your money without giving anything in return. Thankfully, there are ways of getting a Clubhouse invite code for free. Find out what they are below.

First Steps

Before we go any further, there are some basic steps you can take to make the process easier for yourself. They are completely safe, free, and won’t take up too much of your time. The first thing you have to do is go to the App Store and download the Clubhouse app (unfortunately, there is no Android version yet). Once it’s installed, you can create an account by stating your phone number and coming up with a username. That alone is not enough to start using the app, though – you are still going to need an invite.

How to Get Clubhouse Invites Free of Charge

The easiest way to join Clubhouse by far is to get invited by one of your friends, colleagues, or acquaintances. Every user of the app gets two free invites, so if you know someone who is already a member, simply give them your phone number, and ask them to send you an invite. Alternatively, you can use other social media to achieve the same result: if you follow famous people who use Clubhouse, or certain message boards dedicated to the network, you may end up getting in by participating in popular threads. If you see a recent tweet from Elon Musk, for example, explore the comments, talk to the users, and see if anyone has an invite to spare.

Free Clubhouse App Invite Alternatives

Of course, not everyone has friends who use the service, and waiting for someone to start a viral thread can take days. Fortunately, there are other options to explore, let’s take a closer look at them. First things first, let’s get the obvious out of the way: you can simply register on the app and sign up for updates. You will be added to the list of users willing to join, and as soon as new spots are available, you will be invited. Unfortunately, you’re going to have to wait for that to happen, and nobody knows how long exactly it could take.

The most effective ways of getting a Clubhouse invite for free are usually the trickiest. You will have to browse the web looking for threads and chats dedicated to the app, where users sometimes give invites away. For example, there is a subreddit, where you can watch out for posts sharing invites in exchange for karma. Wait until a post like this pops up, upvote it, and comment – and there you go, the invite is yours! Similar discussions occasionally happen on other platforms and messengers, including Telegram channels, Twitter threads, and various message boards. If you search for ‘Clubhouse invites’ on your favorite social media, chances are, you will be able to find a relevant source of free invites.

Whichever way of getting a free Clubhouse invite you to choose, remember to exercise caution and use your best judgment when dealing with people online. While it can be tempting to simply transfer some money in exchange for joining the app, it’s usually not worth the risk of getting scammed, considering how many free ways of joining the platform there are. Hopefully, you will be able to become a member soon, so good luck and see you on Clubhouse!

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