1k How to Start a Club on Clubhouse

How to Start a Club on Clubhouse

Clubhouse is a new and highly unconventional social network of live audio chats in the form of a smartphone app. Because of how novel some of its features are, the developers are still figuring out ways to make them more comfortable and easy to use. Creating your own clubs (interest-based communities and collections of chat rooms) is not particularly straightforward. Not to mention the fact, that you can only join the app if you have an invite. If you do, though, here’s how you can create your own club on Clubhouse app.

How to Create a Club on Clubhouse Using an Online Form

Currently, the only way to start your own club is by filling out and submitting an application. Don’t worry, the link is taken from the official Clubhouse website, and the form was designed by the developers of the app. You will need to come up with your future club’s name, create a description of what it’s going to be about, and specify certain additional details, like the founder’s name, email address, etc. Once you’re done, just click Submit, and wait for an update from the support team.
It is worth mentioning, that the same can be accomplished using the Clubhouse app on your iPhone. In order to do that, you must read the appropriate section in the FAQ, agree to the terms, and then follow the link to the application. No matter which way you prefer, the result will be the same, and your request will be seen.

How to Make Sure Your Club is Approved by Clubhouse

Although the form is relatively straightforward, there are a few things to keep in mind, when filling it out. Doing it properly will improve the chances of your club getting approved.

  • Club name should be unique, but also relevant to your future club’s theme. The developers are less likely to approve a club that copies an already existing one.
  • Club category should reflect the interests that the club is going to be based on as accurately as possible. You cannot change it afterwards, and if it differs from the actual content, the club can get shut down.
  • Description of club should be under 150 characters, and coherently describe the purpose and the idea of the community. This part is particularly important, and if you don’t do it properly, the club will probably not get approved.
  • Full Name of primary club creator / admin is what it sounds like, just make sure to not make mistakes and use your actual full name.
  • Username of primary club creator / admin (only 1) is your username. Make sure to enter it correctly, otherwise, it will take longer for your club to get approved.
  • Title of Regular Meetup (public) – this is where you specify the name of your club’s regular public meetup.
  • Day and Time of Regular Meetup (public) – enter the desired date and time of the meetup here.

All that’s left to do is enter your email address and any comments or questions that you would like to add.

How Many Clubs Can You Start on Clubhouse?

Initially, you could only start one club at a time, however, recently the limit was raised to 2. You should also keep in mind, that due to the number of requests the developers are prioritizing those users who have already created at least three rooms. Such measures had to be taken to prevent people from creating several clubs at once and forget about them in a couple of days. That wouldn’t be in anyone’s best interest.
The founders are very grateful for the enthusiasm and ask the members to be patient while things are still being ironed out. They promise to implement an easier way to create clubs on Clubhouse, using an upcoming built-in feature. When the process is streamlined, things will get a lot easier.
That’s all you need to know to start a club on Clubhouse. Use your best judgment, follow the rules, and fill out the application thoroughly. Good luck!

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