3.4k How to Use Clubhouse for Marketing

How to Use Clubhouse for Marketing and Grow Your Audience

In the era of online communication, social media platforms never stop evolving. As new and exciting networks appear and grow, it is important to keep up with the times and explore new marketing possibilities they have to offer. One of the latest and most exciting additions to the game is Clubhouse – a revolutionary iOS app (Android version is coming soon), where users communicate exclusively using their voice. Audio communication, as opposed to text, is meant to bring people closer together, and reduce toxicity – one of the unfortunate characteristics of online interaction. The app has already been downloaded over 10 million times all over the world. Whether you are on board with the gimmick or not, it would be a shame to miss out on the opportunity to make some real money on Clubhouse, or market your products and services to a large audience.

Creating a Clubhouse Community for Your Services

If you already have an audience of people interested in what you have to offer, creating a room, or even a club should be a breeze. However, if you are just starting out, it’s a good idea to do some research first. What is your target audience? What are your potential clients looking for? What does their social profile look like? One of the ways to answer these questions is to start a blog. Once it has 100 followers or more, you can draw some conclusions, and even see some helpful statistics.

At some point, it will become clear that your audience could benefit from a dedicated Clubhouse room. If you don’t know how to create it, check out our detailed guide on how to use Clubhouse and its primary features. As soon as the room is up, make a post announcing it, and give your followers some reasons why they would want to join. Slowly, but surely, people will start coming into your room. Make sure they are as comfortable as possible, give them a chance to talk when they want to contribute and make it clear that you value their opinion.

Advertising in Clubs

Clubs is one of the core features of the app, and they can be a great marketing tool in the right hands. Essentially, they are interest-based communities dedicated to specific topics. Because of that, finding your audience is as simple as searching for keywords related to your products or services. Once you’ve found one or more relevant clubs, join them, get used to their flow, and contribute to the discussions by raising your hand. Obviously, what you have to say must be actually interesting and valuable to the members of the community. If it is, they will definitely check out your profile, and follow you, whatever rooms and clubs you decide to visit.

How to Use Clubhouse for Marketing and Make Money

Although Clubhouse is certainly different from other social media platforms, the basic principles of modern online advertising apply nonetheless. You are much more likely to grow an audience of real and valuable clients if your style of communication and the actual content of your conversations is natural. People hate spam and products being shoved down their throats. It is best to play the long game, then to get some quick clicks and be forgotten forever. You can and should be honest about your intentions: popularizing your brand, and making it trustworthy is a completely understandable goal. As long as you provide some valuable advice or relevant information, people will be okay with that.

One of the most effective ways to promote your brand is doing interviews with other businesses. If you are good at networking, you can arrange a mutually beneficial interaction between yourself and another brand in a similar vein. You can, of course, pay administrators of popular rooms to let you participate and advertise your services, however, doing that is rarely a good idea, due to the reasons mentioned earlier. Whichever strategy you prefer, monetization will come from users who found you organically, which is the best possible scenario.

Currently, Clubhouse is one of the greatest platforms for marketers. It already has a large number of users but is not yet saturated with competition. It is very easy to find your target audience on the platform due to its very structure. By spending just 5 minutes using the search feature, you will be able to find rooms and clubs of people, who are actually interested in what you have to say. Don’t disappoint them, and you will gain many valuable clients. Good luck!

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